Foto HOT Angel Lelga Red Bikini With Aurel

Foto HOT Angel Lelga Red Bikini With Aurel
Angel Lelga or also known as Angeliq, make a scene in cyberspace after angel lelga's hot photos wearing a red bikini circulating on the Internet. In these bikini photos, Rhoma Irama ex-wife was seen swimming on the beach with Aurel, daughter of Anang Hermansyah and Krisdayanti. Both beautiful women, looks very close each other so it's creates a new rumor that there is a special relationship between Anang Hermansyah and Angel Lelga. Anang himself through his manager, Yuni confirmed that the photographs of women who use the bikini is Aurel and Angel Lelga photos.

Reportedly, angel lelga hot photos in red bikini has been circulating since January 25, 2011, in a cyberspace forum. Then the pictures is dispersed to various sites.

Angel Lelga hot photos and Aurel wearing bikinis on the beach.

Foto Hot Angel Lelga - Aurel Bikini

Foto Hot Angel Lelga - Aurel Bikini

Foto Hot Angel Lelga - Aurel Bikini