Profile Juwita Bahar Sanjaya - Biography, Foto

Profile Artis Indonesia

Juwita Bahar Sanjaya

Full Name : Juwita Tofhany Sanjaya
Popular Name : Juwita Sanjaya
Place of Birth : Jakarta
Date of Birth : January 11, 1996
Zodiac : Capricorn
Father : Memo Sanjaya
Mother : Annisa Bahar
Favorite Color : Pink
Favorite Food : Fish, Lalapan, Pete
Favorite Music : Dangdut
Education : SD Negeri Tanah Tinggi 7 Tangerang

Profile Juwita Bahar Sanjaya
Thofany Juwita Sanjaya, born in Tangerang, Banten, January 11, 1996, Juwita is a dangdut singer, and sinetron star. His fame started to appear when Juwita singing dangdut songs like his mama, who also worked as a dangdut singer. At that time, Juwita famous with the song titled "Kucing Garong" as a guest star on SCTV Music Awards in 2007.

Currently, Juwita famous as a singer by releasing her first album, titled "Maybe Yes Maybe No". As if to rival the popularity gained by Juwita, then the mother, Annisa Bahar, also a duet with Juwita's sister "Jelita Bahar" by releasing their duet album titled "Duet Heboh".


* Eneng
* Tuhan Ada Di mana-mana
* Bunga Di Tepi Jalan
* Di Sini Ada Setan


* May Be Yes, May Be No

Foto-Foto Juwita Bahar Sanjaya - Picture Gallery
Foto-Foto Juwita Bahar Sanjaya - Picture Gallery
Foto-Foto Juwita Bahar Sanjaya - Picture Gallery