Anggit Gagah Pratama is the name that was mentioned as people who have copied the video Ariel Peterpan and Cut Tari without permission. He is the cousin of Redjoy aka RJ, a persons who accused of distributing Ariel's videos. On the internet, we can easily find this name because the fans of Ariel and Luna Maya has spread a photo of Anggit through social networking.
Even the Anggit Gagah Pratama's photos has started spreading on the Internet. mentions that Anggit's photo began spread at around 12:16 pm, in the social network Twitter. Luna Maya was called to see a black and white photo.
“Wew :s RT @Tita_Nic: RT @R_ambariel: @LuuNNyy ayoo ol.. niihh ada penyebar eksis #ANGGITGAGAHPRATAMA.. Si Biang ...,” "Luna wrote at 12:16 on Thursday (16/12/2010).
Not just one photo, the owner of the account Nisa Anggit Chairunnisa also post Anggit's photos. This time, the other photographs that illustrate Anggit being bowed his head.
While on the Facebook group titled 'Singkirkan Group yang Menghina Peterpan', also gave an invitation to Sahabat Peterpan to find Anggit and three other names. Solicitation was posted on 1 December.
“ANGGIT GAGAH PRATAMA, ANGGA HANZLAR, DICKYPERMANA, RUDI FEBRIYANTO.. Merekalah PENJAHAT sebenarnya!!! Merekayang mengupload dan menyebarkan Video tsb!! Harus dicari dan diprosessecara HUKUM!! Jgn sembunyi di ketiak orang tua yg memiliki jabatantinggi!! Ayo sahabat.. Sebarkan info ini!! Cari!!,"
Foto Anggit Gagah Pratama
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Foto Anggit Gagah Pratama? |