15 Maret 2009, SEO Blog Contest baru telah dimulai. Sulumits Retsambew, adalah Blog SEO Contest yang prakarsai oleh Net Builders. Yah mumpung masih sebulan berjalan sebaiknya kawan-kawan blogger segera ikutan. Blog Free Music Lyrics ini aja ikutan kok. :D
Sebelum ikutan baca dulu peraturan kontes-nya biar gak salah jalan
Net Builders SEO Contest Rules
To win, you must place first, second, or third in Google's organic SERPs for the targeted keywords. Indented listing do not count -- each domain can win only one prize.
Start Date: 15 March, 2009
Finish Date: 15 August, 2009 - High Noon GMT
First Place: $1,000
Second Place: $500
Third Place: $250
Contest Entry
To enter the contest, you must post the domain you are entering into the contest in a message here at NetBuilders.
Determination of Winners
I will determine the official winners by using a manual search to google.com. As Google returns different results from different data centers and to different searchers, the results you see may not be the results that I see.
Targeted Keywords: The targeted keywords for our contest are
(without the quotes)
Oke deh selamat berjuang kawan-kawan... Ingat dukung Blogger Indonesia di Sulumits Retsambew SEO Contest.
